How to name it ?

Yahoo Messenger for Windows Vista

Posted in CES, Microsoft, Windows Vista, Yahoo by Srini on January 10, 2007

While Microsoft Chairman and Chief Software Architect, Bill Gates pushed Windows Vista at the key note address of CES 2007, other partner companies will also promote hardware, software and services targeted for Windows Vista. On the race, it is expected that Yahoo will be showcasing its new Yahoo Messenger specifically powered for Windows Vista.


 The new Messenger looks brilliant on the Design and also on features. This is an excellent example of how Vista’s new APIs can be leveraged across the applications that runs on the top of this OS. Yahoo Engineers have nicely utilized the power of WPF, usability of Sidebar Gadgets and hopefully the powerful desktop search feature.

You can check out the official site , and don’t forget to check the video preview

P.S : Channel 10 is making extensive coverage on Microsoft at CES. There’s also a video on the new Yahoo Messenger for Windows Vista.